Rapeseed Meal & Canola Meal


Rapeseed meal contains around 40% of protein which rates among the nutritionally best plant proteins.

It is a palatable feedstuff and may be used as the major protein supplement in rations for dairy cattle.

Rapeseed Meal is a broadly used protein source in dairy, beef, swine, and poultry feeds. It contains a minimum of 38% protein by weight. It has an excellent balance of essential amino acids such as methionine and lysine. In addition, rapeseed meal is a rich source of B and E vitamins and essential minerals.

Rapeseed Meal is obtained after removal of most of the oil from the whole seeds. Heat-processed rapeseed meal is used as a protein-rich livestock feed.


- Protein/Oils &Albuminiods : Min. 38%
- Moisture : Max. 10%
- Fibre : Max. 12%
- Sand/Silica : Max. 2.5%

Castor Meal


Castor Meal is the residue obtained from castor cake by the solvent extraction process. It is one of the most multipurpose natural manures. It is truly organic manure which enhances the fertility of the soil It is enriched with the three big elements vital and conducive to the proper growth of crops - Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium. It also has traces of nutrients like Manganese, Zinc and Copper, thus making it a balanced fertiliser. Moreover, it helps to neutralise the detrimental effects of chemical fertilisers. Apart from its contribution to nutrients, it has a number of benefits in agriculture, which none of the synthetic fertilizers or pesticides can offer. It provides slow and steady nourishment, stimulation, protection from soil nematodes and insects; improve yields, and quality of product like taste, flavor, amino acid composition etc.


- Nitrogen : Min. 4%
- Potassium : Min. 1%
- Phosphorous : Min. 1%
- Moisture: Max.12%

Soyabean Meal


Soyabean meal is an ingredient set up in some dog food and cattle feeding. According to AAFCO, it is the product obtained by grinding the flakes which remain after removal of most of the oil from soybeans by a solvent or mechanical extraction process. Soybean meal is the product remaining after extracting most of the oil from whole soybeans. The oil may be removed by solvent extraction or by an expeller process in which the beans are heated and squeezed.

Soybean Meal is considered as a premium product because of its high digestibility, high energy content and consistency. Properly processed dehulled soybean meal is an excellent source of protein and is used extensively in feed for swine, beef and dairy cattle, poultry, and aquaculture.

Soybean meal is the product remaining after extracting most of the oil from whole soybeans. The oil may be removed by solvent extraction or by an expeller process in which the beans are heated and squeezed. The nutrient composition of the oil extracted soybean meal 48 is shown in the table below.


- Protein : Min. 48%
- Oil : Max. 1.5%
- Moisture : Max. 12%
- Sand/Silica : Max. 2%