Committed to Driving Change

Labh Group believes that the least we owe to the next generations is their right to a just, safe and beautiful world.

Driven by a mission to support and strengthen, Labh Group demonstrates responsibility towards communities, society and the environment.

Labh Group’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) approach is rooted in the belief that true success is in the ability to give back to the communities, people and places. The Group’s culture of giving back was sowed right from the beginning by its visionary founder Mr. Bhut.

A stable and sustainable business house, Labh Group has been consistent in pursuing numerous social responsibility initiatives. Each of the group’s companies have integrated innovative programs and adopted business processes towards transforming communities, individual lives and the environment. Collectively The Group’s CSR initiatives encompass environmental change, girl child upliftment and promoting a clean India (Swacchh Bharat).

Adopt a Tree

The issue: We are already witnessing the disastrous effects of climate change. We’ve reached a stage where if we do not actively participate in contributing towards saving Earth now, there is no hope. Planting more trees is one way of combating carbon emission effects.

Labh Group has been actively involved in tree plantation initiatives across the country. With considerable progress in increasing awareness and determining best practices within their organization, The Group has planted and adopted 5000 trees so far.

Adopt a Girl Child

The issue: Girls form a larger part of the Indian population. They hold a powerful promise for a better world. Brimming with talent, energy and creativity, they have the potential to reach newer heights. But even today, discrimination, violence, lack of opportunities and social barriers thwart their dreams and prevent them from succeeding in life.

Labh Group works towards empowering the girl child through adopting and providing support towards education needs. Its Adopt a Girl Child program has supported 42 girls so far with the number increasing every year.

Swacchh Bharat

The issue: The battle for a cleaner India is huge. It can be achieved only when each citizen of the country contributes. A cleaner India will lead to a healthier India, a beautiful environment and a happier place to live in.

Labh Group realizes the importance of a cleaner country and has, over the past few years, made significant contribution by way of promoting, educating and practicing ways of making a cleaner India.